Additional resources

There are a lot of topics to cover and a lot of resources I use to get to some solutions.


linpeas – Very powerful tool to enumerate your target. Just download the script and execute it on your target machine


Ciphey – A new and very powerful tool I found for quickly solving cryptography challenges.

CyberChef – The most powerful tool to convert from hex, binary, BaseXX and so on

ROT13 – I use it for ROT rotations for most of the time but this online tool contains a lot more stuff worth using

Vigenere Solver – If you have to crack a vigenere code without owning a key, this tool can help you out

quipquip – To crack substitution ciphers


CrackStation – Helps cracking most of the hashes very quickly

MD5Hashing – If CrackStation doesn’t help, try this page to crack all sorts of hashes

Privilege escalation

GTFOBins – Here you can find a huge collection of binaries for a lot of situations to gain root privileges

pentestmonkey – A collection of reverse shells for the most commonly used programming languages


factordb – In case you need to factorize for decrypting a RSA key

Alpertron – Sometimes I’m using this tool as well and it’s worth checking out


URL de-/enoder – Awesome tool if you have to deal with URL encoded format

WaybackMachine – A website everyone needs to discover some old websites (very useful for some CTF challenges)

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